Professional Development Workshop

Professional Development Workshop

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth? Join our highly engaging and interactive personal development workshops, meticulously designed by Dr. Shannon Agbotse, an esteemed educator and researcher with over twenty years of experience in education.

Our workshops are tailored to cater to individuals and organizations, offering flexible durations ranging from one-hour sessions to comprehensive multiple-day experiences, available both online and in-person. Dr. Shannon's expertise lies in teacher education, culturally responsive teaching, multicultural education, literacy development, and teaching diverse learners within a social justice framework.

Through our workshops, participants gain valuable insights, practical tools, and invaluable inspiration to unlock their full potential. Whether you're an educator seeking professional development, a student striving for personal growth, or an organization fostering an empowered workforce, our workshops are designed to meet your unique needs.

Professional Development Workshops Topics:

  • Teaching Black History; 
  • Students Exploring Black History Workshops (K-8)
  • Classroom Expectations (widely known as classroom management)
  • Writing Workshops

Uniting Communities, Empowering Minds: Contact Us Today!

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